rm 163 wheatlands logo


The R.M. mails assessment notices to property owners in the spring of a year of revaluation. Revaluations are currently taking place every four years with the next one scheduled for the year 2025. If the assessment of property changes for any other reason (example: significant development) an assessment notice will be sent to the property owner in that year as well. The Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) assesses all properties for the R.M. of Wheatlands No.163.

  • Property assessment is not the same as property tax.
  • All land and improvements (buildings) are assessable.

Property owners may appeal their assessment if they believe an error has been made in the valuation or classification of the property. Appeals are made to the Secretary of the Board of Revision. General information on the appeal process can be obtained from Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Advisory Services Unit (306) 787-2680; website: http://www.municipal.gov.sk.ca/. A notice of appeal form is included with the assessment notice or is available at the municipal office.


Mill Rates:

The following mill rates are in effect for the year 2024:

  • Municipal: 5.4
  • Education (Prairie South School Division):
    • Agricultural: 1.42
    • Residential: 4.54
    • Commercial/Industrial: 6.86
    • Resource: 9.88
  • $25 minimum tax for land and/or improvements is applicable.

The following mill rate factors apply for 2024:

  • Agricultural:  .7
  • Residential:  1
  • Commercial: 2.2

The mill rates are multiplied by mill rate factors and the taxable assessment values to determine the property taxes.



Tax notices are usually mailed out to property owners in late August each year.

  • Taxes are not due until December 31.
  • The following discounts are given on the municipal portion of the current year’s taxes:
    • 5% if paid by September 30;
    • 4% if paid by October 31;
    • 2% if paid by November 30.