Recycling Bin Site
Location: By the quonset at the RM Shop located at the corner of Alexandra St. and Saskatchewan St. in Mortlach, SK.
Fees – There are no fees for R.M. ratepayers.
Helpful Recycling Tips
- Rinse out all food and drink items
- Flatten cardboard boxes
- Remove lids/caps from bottles
- No plastic bags of any kind, including “crinkly” or “stretchy” plastics
- Place all items loose in the cart, except shredded paper
- Plastics must have a #1- #7 recycle symbol on the bottom
Do Not Include
- Grocery bags
- Household glass
- Styrofoam
- Electronics
- Scrap metal
- Batteries
- Wood waste
- Black plastic
- Plastics without #1 to #7 symbol
- Plasticized, waxed or laminated paper
- Tissues or soiled paper towel
- Mirrors, ceramic, window glass
- Hazardous waste & Bio-hazardous waste
- All stretchable plastic film
- Lightbulbs
- Household & Organic Waste