rm 163 wheatlands logo

REMINDER The deadline for SMHI crop exemptions is April 30th. Application forms can be found at:...
Drinking and Livestock Water Testing

Drinking and Livestock Water Testing

The RM office can provide forms and containers for ratepayers to test their drinking water or water used for livestock. It is the ratepayers responsibility to collect the water sample, mail to the lab and pay the testing fees.
2024-2025 Gopher Control Rebate Program

2024-2025 Gopher Control Rebate Program

The RM of Wheatlands currently has 25lbs pails and 50lbs bags of Rozol Rodent Bait and 45lbs bags of ZP Rodent bait for sale. SARM’s Gopher Control Program provides a 50% cost share rebate (not including taxes) on these products. Invoices must be paid in full...
Dust and Weed Control

Dust and Weed Control

Please read, fill in application and return to the office if you are interested in weed or dust control. Deadlines for both applications are May 15th, 2024. DUST CONTROL For ratepayers, the RM of Wheatlands will cover 50% of the cost for a single application of 150...