The RM’s Bridge Replacement has been completed. Range Road 3013 from Mortlach to Township Road 170 (the road located straight south of Mortlach, across the railway tracks) is now OPEN. Thank you for your patience during construction.
UPDATE AS OF OCTOBER 28, 2024 The reservoir tanks have now been drained for the winter and shall be available for use again in spring 2025. “Low volume fill” shall continue as usual, no changes. Please be advised, effective immediately, the valve to...
RM Maps are available at the Municipal Office (108 Rose St, Mortlach) for $15. You can also check out the iHunter App, our maps are digitally available through them as well! “iHunter has a host of location-based features to help you plan and stay informed on...
Hay Salvage Hay is once again available to producers for salvage at no cost in provincial highway ditches during spring and summer months. Before and including July 8, landowners or lessees nearest/adjacent to the ditch have the first option to cut or bale material,...