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SGI-Provincial Traffic Safety Grant

Nov 8, 2023News

The RM of Wheatlands was approved for the Safety Implementation Community Project for a total amount of $17,982.00 through the SGI Provincial Traffic Safety Grant.

The program provides up to $100,000 (per location) to municipalities and Indigenous land or territories. The goal of this fund is to stimulate and support local, collaborative action that will increase traffic safety awareness. Local traffic initiatives will help reduce collisions, traffic injuries and fatalities within Saskatchewan.

With those goals in mind – we have implemented 2 solar radar signs located on Grid 627-Darmody Road heading south & north bound and 4 solar flashing red beacons on the STOP signs at Grid 627-Darmody Road,  on both sides of the #1 Highway.

Our application was among 122 requests for funding during the Jan. 1- March 31, 2023 Provincial Traffic Safety Fund Grant Intake. The committee approved 144 requests, providing $1.7 million in funding to improve traffic safety in Saskatchewan communities.

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